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Forests-Pine Discoloration, Deadwood, Coverage Monitoring

Dec 31,2024 | Farmer Drones

Application Overview

To address the urgent need for rapid and precise monitoring of pine trees infected by pine wood nematodes, which cause discoloration and death, we propose a sophisticated spectral remote sensing solution tailored to the immediate and accurate detection of discolored pine trees. This solution resolves the current challenges of quickly, accurately, cost-effectively, and automatically extracting multi-sized discolored pine trees.

Application Scenario

Discolored Pine Tree Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring of discolored pine trees infected by pine wood nematodes.

Output Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, coordinate points of discolored trees, special reports.

Application of Outputs

Information on the location, spatial distribution, and canopy area of discolored pine trees infected by pine wood nematodes, providing data support for disaster assessment, infected tree treatment, and other related measures.


Dead Tree Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring of dead trees and withered grass in grasslands, forests, and plantations.

Output Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, coordinate points of dead trees/grass, special reports.

Application of Outputs

Coordinates, areas, and spatial distributions of dead trees and withered grass, providing data support for disaster assessment, afforestation, forest fire prevention, and other related activities.


Forest and Grassland Classification

Application Scenario

Classification of tree and grass species in mixed forests, grasslands, and other forest-grassland areas.

Output Forms

Vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, coordinate points, and thematic reports.

Application of Results

The categories, coordinates, areas, and spatial distribution of trees and grasses provide data support for forest and grassland resource surveys, biodiversity assessments, and monitoring of invasive alien species.


Vegetation Coverage Measurement

Application Scenario

Measurement of vegetation coverage and canopy density in crops, forests, grasslands, etc.

Output Forms

Vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, and thematic reports.

Application of Results

Data on vegetation growth, categories, spatial distribution, and coverage support genomic research and ecological assessments of forests and grasslands.

Application Case

Aerial multispectral remote sensing technology can produce high-resolution imagery, providing detailed base maps for image interpretation and visual interpretation tasks.

For thematic investigations such as forestland attributes, forestry pests, and forest quality, aerial multispectral remote sensing technology can generate standardized classified and graded imagery and vector data. This supports detailed investigations in GIS application and display functions on GIS platforms. It not only enriches the data outcomes of forestry investigations but also enhances the accuracy and efficiency of thematic data production, empowering the digital development of forestry.

