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Grassland-Forage Growth and Coverage, Invasive Species Monitoring

Dec 31,2024 | Farmer Drones

Application Overview

To address the need for monitoring forage growth throughout its normal cycle, with the core aim of accurately assessing growth performance, this solution aims to resolve the current pain point of not being able to rapidly, accurately, and comprehensively obtain crop growth status, thereby providing a convenient and efficient method for forage growth assessment.

Application scenario

Forage Growth Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring the growth of vegetation such as grasslands and silage crops.

Output Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster data (GeoTIFF), and thematic reports.

Application of Output

Quantitative assessment of vegetation growth and spatial distribution, providing data support for irrigation, fertilization, plant protection, and yield estimation.

Forage Coverage Assessment

Application Scenario

Monitoring the coverage of vegetation such as grasslands and silage crops.

Output Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, and thematic reports.

Application of Output

Coverage data encompassing vegetation growth, types, and spatial distribution, offering data support for irrigation, fertilization, plant protection, and yield estimation.

Invasive Species Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring of alien invasive plants in forests and grasslands.

Output Forms

Vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, coordinate points of invasive plants, special reports.

Application of Results

Providing data support for disaster assessment and invasion management through information on species, quantity, canopy area, and spatial distribution of invasive plants.

Application Case

Spectral Remote Sensing Aids Grassland Ecological Protection

Aerial multispectral remote sensing technology produces high-resolution imagery, providing detailed base maps for image interpretation and visual analysis.

In grassland attribute and quality surveys, the multispectral air-ground integrated monitoring system assists in generating standard numerical inversion imagery and vector grading data for multi-indicator and multi-topic monitoring targets. This supports analysis and comprehensive display in GIS-based application or platforms, enriching grassland survey data outcomes while enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of grassland-themed data production.

In grassland environmental assessments, the system promptly identifies and locates indicator species reflecting ecological changes. Through dynamic monitoring missions, it ensures real-time control of ecological red lines, providing timely monitoring information for the sustained and stable development of grassland ecosystems.

