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Mountains-Ecological Restoration & Geological Disaster Assessment

Dec 31,2024 | Farmer Drones

Application Overview

Respond to the vegetation restoration of mine quarries and the vegetation coverage monitoring needs of geotechnical engineering slope greening, grasp the core purpose of quantitative evaluation of vegetation restoration area and vegetation coverage ratio, dynamic monitoring of vegetation growth status in mining areas and geotechnical engineering, solve the current pain points of inaccurate vegetation area evaluation and inability to periodically quantify dynamic monitoring results, and provide accurate parameters of vegetation coverage related indicators.

Application Scenario

Ecological Restoration Assessment

Application Scenario

Vegetation assessment of ecological restoration projects such as engineering slope ecological restoration, mine quarry vegetation restoration, high and steep rock slope greening, waterfront slope and reservoir drawdown zone ecological restoration.

Result Form

Vector (SHP/KML), thematic map, raster (GeoTIFF), thematic report.

Result Application

Quantitatively evaluate the ecological restoration effect based on information such as land feature category, vegetation growth, vegetation coverage, etc.


Assessment of Forest and Grassland Vegetation Restoration

Application Scenario

Evaluation of vegetation restoration and recovery in post-disaster reconstruction following forest and grassland fires.


Output Forms

Vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster images (GeoTIFF), and special reports.


Application of Results

Quantitative assessment of vegetation recovery in fire-affected forest and grassland areas, including land cover types, vegetation growth, vegetation coverage, plant counts, and canopy areas.


Geological Disaster Assessment

Application Scenario

Assessment of geological disaster situations during and after collapses, landslides, debris flows, floods, droughts, soil erosion, and other geological disasters.

Output Form

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, and special reports.

Application of Results

Provide decision-making references for disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction by utilizing information related to geological disasters, such as affected areas and damage severity.


Application Case

Multispectral Remote Sensor for Monitoring of Ecologically Fragile Regions

Ecologically fragile regions often feature exposed rock and soil, sparse vegetation, and complex terrain. With the core requirements of vegetation restoration and ecological stability maintenance and development in mind, multispectral remote sensing, leveraging its rich information content and diverse data representation, offers significant advantages for automated vegetation detection and area mapping.

