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Water- Water Bodies, Waste Water and Surface Monitoring

Dec 31,2024 | Farmer Drones

Application Overview

Addressing the monitoring needs of water eutrophication and algae caused by nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers, reservoirs, coastlines, and other water bodies, this application aims to accurately assess the degree and spatial distribution trends of water eutrophication. It resolves the current pain points of not being able to intuitively quantify and visually represent the spatial distribution trends of water eutrophication, providing intuitive and precise eutrophication spatial distribution assessments.

Application Scenario

Monitoring of Water Eutrophication

Application Scenario

Monitoring nitrogen, phosphorus nutrients, and algae in rivers, lakes, seas, and other water bodies.

Output Forms

Inspection videos, vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster files (GeoTIFF), and special reports.

Application of Results

The graded data and spatial distribution information of water eutrophication facilitate aquatic ecosystem assessments, monitoring of sewage outlets, and other environmental enforcement actions.


Monitoring of Black and Odorous Water Bodies

Application Scenario

Monitoring black and odorous water bodies and inspecting sewage outlets in rivers, lakes, and other water areas.

Output Forms

Inspection videos, vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster files (GeoTIFF), and special reports.

Application of Results

The graded data and spatial distribution information of black and odorous water bodies aid in aquatic ecosystem assessments, sewage outlet monitoring, and other environmental enforcement actions.


Shoreline Ecological Monitoring

Application Scenarios

Monitoring and assessment of vegetation ecosystems such as greenbelts, riverbank slopes, wetlands, and mangroves.

Output Forms

Vector files (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster files (GeoTIFF), and thematic reports.

Information Provided

Land feature categories, vegetation growth, vegetation coverage, water area, etc., aiding biodiversity surveys and shoreline ecological health assessments.


Water Surface Oil Spill Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring of oil spills and other abnormalities on water surfaces.

Forms of Results

Videos, vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, and special reports.

Application of Results

Early warning of abnormalities on water surfaces in large water bodies, aiding maritime and environmental protection enforcement.


Application Case

Application of Multispectral Remote Sensor in Quantitative Retrieval of Water Quality Monitoring in a Hangzhou River

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral remote sensing technology can acquire large-scale, continuous imagery, covering water-rich scenarios such as rivers, channels, lakes, reservoirs, shorelines, and water sources. Beyond assessing the relative trends of water eutrophication and black-odor water pollution to aid in water environment monitoring, by constructing quantitative retrieval models for relevant water quality parameters, it enables quantitative retrieval of water bodies at multiple scales, avoiding the traditional "point-for-area" monitoring approach. Simultaneously, it achieves global monitoring and early warning of water quality parameters. The relevant results can provide reference information for environmental protection departments in water environment management and offer new technological means for water governance.

