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Lakes-Nearshore Water, Aquatic Plant and Wetland Monitoring

Dec 31,2024 | Farmer Drones

Application Overview

To meet the demand for monitoring water body area changes, focusing on the core objective of comprehensively and accurately assessing these changes, and addressing the current challenge of automated extraction, we propose automated solutions tailored for nearshore and vast water bodies.

Application Scenario

Nearshore Water Area Monitoring

Application Scenarios

Monitoring water areas in flood disasters, wetlands, rivers, lakes, etc.

Outcome Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, special reports.

Outcome Applications

Provides data support for disaster assessment, resource surveys, and ecological evaluations through water body segmentation, area statistics, and spatial distribution information.

Aquatic Plant Growth Assessment

Application Scenarios

Monitoring floating plants like duckweed and algae, or suspended algae on water surfaces.

Outcome Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster images (GeoTIFF), special reports.

Outcome Applications

Offers data support for aquatic plant cultivation, disaster assessment, and ecological monitoring through information on duckweed and algae growth and spatial distribution.

Eutrophication Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring nitrogen, phosphorus nutrients, and algae in rivers, lakes, seas, and other water bodies.

Output Forms

Videos, vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster images (GeoTIFF), and special reports.

Application of Results

Hierarchical data and spatial distribution information on eutrophication to aid pollution source identification and water environment assessment.

Wetland Monitoring

Application Scenario

Monitoring vegetation, water bodies, bare soil, and other elements in wetland and forest-park ecosystems.

Output Forms

Vectors (SHP/KML), thematic maps, raster images (GeoTIFF), and special reports.

Application of Results

Information on target categories, vegetation growth, area statistics, and spatial distribution to support wetland ecological assessment and protection.

Application Case

Multispectral remote sensing technology helps wetland protection


Aerial multispectral remote sensing technology can be applied to the production process of refined base maps for spot monitoring, and remote sensing interpretation and verification are performed based on high-resolution images generated by aerial multispectral two-dimensional mapping. Finally, important data such as remote sensing images, wetland spot change range, and wetland spot encroachment area are generated, providing important support for database construction and wetland resource maps. At the same time, it can also provide image data for sample site surveys to improve data traceability.

